Notary Service Suspended for May

Due to staffing changes, Notary service will not be available at the Library for the month of May, 2024.

West Des Moines City Hall offers free Notary services – please contact them ahead of time to arrange an appointment.

You can also search for Notaries in your area through the State’s Notary Search tool.

Display Case Consideration Form

Is it a collection, artwork, memorabilia? Are you displaying it as part of a school project, scout badge or other project?
It is the policy of the West Des Moines Public Library that display spaces in library locations, including but not limited to enclosed display cabinets, are solely under the care and control of library staff. These spaces are intended primarily for displays and exhibits created or selected by library staff. Where appropriate, such displays or exhibits may reflect various viewpoints on a given subject. Groups, organizations and individuals may be solicited to display materials in the display cabinets.

Groups, organizations and individuals may request to use the display cabinets subject to review by staff and administration. As in the case of collection development and materials selection, the final decision on the suitability of displayed material and exhibits will be made by the library director, subject to review by the board of trustees.
Exhibits and displays for library events will always and necessarily take precedence over exhibits and displays by outside groups and/or for non-library events.

As the display spaces are in public areas of the library building and accessible and viewable by patrons of all ages, materials or exhibits must be such that they would be considered suitable for viewing by a general audience congruent with the standards of the community served by the library. Commercial advertisements for products, businesses or services will not be displayed unless in the capacity of sponsor of a library event or exhibit.

Those leaving materials for display will sign a waiver stating that they understand and agree that the library will be held harmless in case of theft or loss of or damage to materials left in any display space.