Through the years the West Des Moines Public Library’s collection has been built book by book. Now the challenge is to keep it current, up-to-date and a vital community resource – Book Buy Book.
We invite you to participate in our Book Buy Book program with a gift to the Library. Each $25 contribution provides your library with another resource!
We recognize each donated item - book, DVD, etc. - with a personalized bookplate.
- 1 item = $25
- 2 items = $50
- 3 items = $75
- 4 items = $100

- Use the form below to start the request
- Select a category from which you’d like for the staff to make a purchase
- Fill out the information on how you would like the bookplate to be dedicated
- Send your check payable to the West Des Moines Library or return in person (check the box that your check will be delivered in person)
- OR use credit card payment over the phone or in person
Mail checks to the following attention:
West Des Moines Public Library
Attn: Susan Greenwood
4000 Mills Civic Parkway
West Des Moines, IA 50265
Call the number below to use your credit card over the phone:
(515) 222-3408
Books are added on a continuing basis. It may take several weeks to purchase and process your gift.