Business and residential information - includes 30 million business & executive profiles & 240 million residents. Ideal for sales leads, mailing lists, market research, employment opportunities, finding friends and relatives, and more.
Digital Library
Royalty-free maps you can view, download and print, plus flags of the world and more.
Thousands of U.S. state reports and articles ready to download, royalty-free image collections of flags (antique and modern), vintage postcards, panoramic photos, license plates, and much more.
Travel resources including culture, language, foodways and more, around the world.
AtoZ World Food contains traditional recipes AND covers food culture for 174 countries of the world.
City Facts, Attractions and Excursions, Hospitality and Entertainment, Shopping, Travel Resources and more.
Specialized Adult Learning Center – GED, resume help, live coaching, practice tests and more.
Brainfuse HelpNow offers LIVE tutoring help, skill building, and more for students in K-12 and college, including tutoring done in Spanish and extensive test prep.
Craftsy is an online resource for all creative makers, where you can find everything you need – from basic instruction to advanced techniques.
Obtén acceso a expertos de clase mundial que facilitan el aprendizaje de nuevas habilidades.
Searchable article and information database for middle school learners.
Searchable article and information database for public library users on 1000s of topics.
Unlimited access to engaging professors covering a wide variety of topics.
Detailed “how-to” and ideas for virtually every hobby enthusiast.
Hoopla Digital offers access to eBooks, Audiobooks, Comics, Movies, TV and Music – all streaming, all available 24/7 (no holds). For WDM Residents.
A reader’s advisory tool for finding a great book to read! You can search by title, author, genre (mystery, sci-fi, romance) or series.
Find a great book for the K-8 reader. Search by title, author, lexile and more.
Using your computer or the Libby app, access 1000s of eBooks, Audiobooks, comics, digital magazines and streaming content, as part of the Iowa-wide Bridges consortium.
Numerous indexes, records and publications from the State Historical Society of Iowa collections are available online. Through their partnerships, and with support from the State Library of Iowa, you can access digitized maps, publications, newspapers, vital records and much more.
Watch beautiful classical music, operas, and ballets from around the world, anywhere, anytime. Delight in masterful performances on your favorite devices.