Tech One-on-One - Cancelled

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Event Details

PLEASE NOTE: Tech One-on-One has been cancelled for Sat. Feb. 15. Click here for upcoming Tech One-on-One sessions.

Tech One-on-One 

Do you have a specific computer, mobile device, or other technology related questions?  We are here to help!  Sign up for a 30 minute private session, walk-in's also welcome.  Staff can help with specific issues like:

  • Learning about a new device
  • Setting up an email or social media account
  • Filing out an online application
  • Downloading eBooks or eAudio books
  • Using the Library's online resources

Sessions are limited to 30 minutes per person. You are welcome to bring your own device; however assistants are not able to diagnose issues with malfunctioning devices.  Basic device and computer usage is assumed.

Contact the Library's Adult Services Desk, 515-222-3403, for more information. 

Program sponsored by Youth Justice Initiative, The City of West Des Moines, United Way, Google Fiber, and Microsoft. For more info on our Tech 1:1 program, please visit our website Tech Help with Teens at the WDM Public Library